
The 2024 菠菜网lol正规平台 Award and Donor Recognition event took place on Tuesday, 1月30日在明尼苏达山谷乡村俱乐部, 有150多名社区成员参加.

一年一度的活动为学校提供了一个公开的机会,以表彰美国心脏协会社区成员,他们在圣天使的许多学生和老师的生活中发挥了作用,并在未来几年对学校产生了积极的影响. In addition to the eleven award recipients, members of the St. 约瑟夫终生宫廷 & 美国心脏协会遗产协会也得到了认可.



艾德·弗莱厄蒂,贝丝·弗莱厄蒂 & 弗莱厄蒂家族基金会-圣. 约瑟夫奖:

菠菜网lol正规平台 recognizes Ed and Beth Flaherty, 以及他们的家族基金, 表彰他们为确保有重大经济需要的学生能够参加基于信仰的学校所做的非凡努力, college preparatory high schools in Minnesota and around the country, as well as their steadfast commitment to the AHA Flaherty Scholars.

Ed Flaherty在30年前创立了Flaherty家族基金会,这是家庭价值观灌输给他的结果, 他的天主教基础, and the scriptural belief that “to whom much is given, 人们对此期望甚高。”. 

In 2014, Ed asked his daughter, Beth Flaherty, to lead the Flaherty Family Foundation. 自2015年加入基金会以来,她. 弗莱厄蒂将该组织从一所高中的三位学者发展到明尼苏达州30所宗教高中的400位弗莱厄蒂学者, 维吉尼亚州, DC, 马里兰, 蒙大拿(大瀑布)和新泽西. 

圣天使与弗莱厄蒂家庭基金会(FFF)建立了伙伴关系,帮助向双子城有经济需求的高潜力学生提供奖学金. In 2015-16, the FFF provided partial scholarships to 12 AHA students. 从那时起, 圣天使和FFF合作,每年至少为20名有重大经济需求的合格学生提供奖学金支持.

Beth Flaherty分享道, “我们最大的希望是,我们成功地建立了一个学者社区,他们将成为‘世界力量’。, 也就是说他们互相支持, 他们互相联系, 他们共同协作,共同为社会做出了巨大贡献,使我们的世界变得更美好.”

Marlys Anderson Thies '57 - Angelus奖:

菠菜网lol正规平台表彰57岁的Marlys Thies多年来对她的美国心脏协会同学和朋友的奉献服务, 她广泛参与社区活动, and her family’s overall commitment to Catholic education.  

在我们学校前男女同校时代的一长串美国心脏协会校友中,玛丽是一个很好的例子, who have enhanced our communities with their lifelong commitment to serving others. She has contributed immensely to the Twin Cities community, sharing her gifts through a wide variety of service-oriented roles.

她作为班级代表和在双城地区的志愿者精神堪称典范. Marlys (AHA alum) and husband David (DeLaSalle alum) are loyal, 两所高中的重要支持者!

John & Beth Schutz - Possumus奖:

John and Beth Schutz are parents of alums Jack ‘20 and Lucas ‘23. 他们的儿子也上美国心脏协会, 他们以许多不可分割的方式参与其中, 直到今天,他们仍然支持这所学校.

约翰对学校的影响来自于他在2018年至2023年期间在美国心脏协会董事会的领导, 他在2018年和2019年担任主席. John had an interest in improving the financial position of the school, which resulted in the development of a 403b retirement plan for the faculty and staff, 进一步减少学校的长期债务, 增加捐赠基金的资金.  John has also served on the board Finance committee for over 20 years.  Beth was an involved parent and served on the 2023 Senior Party Planning Committee.

Professionally, John is managing director at Wells Fargo Private Bank. He is recognized nationally by Barron’s as a top wealth advisor.  Beth, 谁有教育学硕士学位, 在明尼阿波里斯学区当了12年的老师,在圣母学校当了8年的代课老师. 

他们在社区中也很活跃. 约翰是恩典圣母的前董事会成员和财务委员会主席,以及青少年成就和仁人家园的志愿者. Beth served as president of the PTO for Our Lady of Grace while her sons attended, 她在明尼阿波利斯危机托儿所做志愿者.

John & 旺达·哈格蒂——负鼠奖

Wanda and John Hagerty are generous, involved, and dedicated Catholic school parents. 他们的三个女儿, Shawn Hagerty moch ' 89, Colleen Hagerty Bergh ’94 and Meagan Hagerty ’99 are AHA graduates.

旺达多年来一直是布卢明顿玛丽天主教学校的学校秘书. Prior, she served as a volunteer athletic director, room mother, and chaperone. She was one of the founding members of the South Side Youth Organization (SSYO), 在董事会任职多年. 通过她的奉献, thousands of students have had the opportunity to participate in sports and activities.

John has always been a tremendous help in building community, 提供的机会, 并热情款待所有人. 他分享了他的教练天赋, 主持, and keeping score or stats for many of the athletic teams his daughters played on. 他和旺达也贡献了自己的时间, 人才, and treasures for many AHA and Nativity events and committees. 

The Hagertys have always felt a calling to participate in causes they believe in, which has included supporting their daughters and grandchildren in their endeavors. 这使得他们投入了大量的时间来确保学生和家庭有同样的成长和成功的机会,就像他们能够为自己的孩子提供的那样.

John and Wanda both have hearts of gold and are steadfast stewards of Christ! 玛利亚的诞生和菠菜网lol正规平台社区因为他们和他们令人难以置信的服务而变得更好. 谢谢你!!

Jeff Boyle ' 05 -新星青年校友奖:

杰夫·博伊尔被授予新星奖,以表彰他对天主教教育的贡献, 感谢他在圣三一学校为家庭所做的贡献,感谢他在圣天使学校担任教练,分享他的时间和才华. 

2005年毕业时, 杰夫继续在康奈尔学院获得教育学学位,然后在圣路易斯市大学获得硕士学位. 托马斯。. 

He’s spent his career as a middle school 英语 teacher at Blessed Trinity, 教不同的学生,包括一群很棒的第一代家庭.

Jeff is a caring and patient teacher who sets high expectations for his students.  他对英国电信学生的热情和忠诚体现在他与以前的学生保持的长期关系中,以及他的学生离开英国电信后的成功和自信. 

除了他对教学和学习的热爱,杰夫继续在AHA分享他的才能. 杰夫是一名长期的助理足球教练,自2009年以来一直是工作人员的重要成员. 他以无私、谦逊的态度和作为进攻协调员的专长而闻名. 

He has coached 6 State Tournament 足球 teams at AHA, 两支预备碗队, 以及2017年的一支州冠军球队.  2009年至2016年,他还担任明星棒球队的教练.

Kelsey Romatoski '09 -活动名人堂:

菠菜网lol正规平台表彰Kelsey Romatoski ' 09,以表彰她杰出的曲棍球和田径生涯. 凯尔西是前五名的决赛选手. Hockey in 2009, All-State in 2008 and 2009, and All-Conference in 2007, 2008, and 2009. 凯尔西还帮助她的曲棍球队连续五次获得分区冠军,并参加了2005年AA级州立曲棍球锦标赛.  Kelsey was also a four-year letter winner in 田径 and was captain in 2009. 凯尔西是2009年雅典娜奖的获得者, 获得学术全州, 并且是国家荣誉协会的成员. 

Kelsey went on to have a successful academic and hockey career at Harvard University. She was a four-year hockey letter winner (2009-2013), a finalist for the 2013 ECAC Student Athlete of the Year, 四年的ECAC学术团队成员, 波士顿豆锅冠军(2010), 常青藤联盟冠军(2013), 两次参加NCAA锦标赛(2010年), 2013).

今天, Kelsey is a surgical resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, with aspirations to become a surgical oncologist. 她以医学院班级前5%的成绩毕业,是Alpha Omega Alpha荣誉医学协会的一员. 2021年,她获得了艾萨克O. 赫雷兹, MD住院医师奖,表彰由奥本山医院外科医生选出的“致力于最高质量护理”的三年级住院医师, 诚实, 学习意愿, 还有幽默感."


David Frear encompasses the AHA Way in all that he does. He is being recognized for his 15 years of dedication and service to AHA’s athletics, 艺术及进修计划. 通过他的专业摄影, 大卫忠实地和不知疲倦地与成千上万的球员和家庭分享他的创造性才能-捕捉AHA的精神.  

大卫的职业道德, 谦逊的精神和惊人的技能对他遇到的所有人都是一种祝福. His photos line the AHA hallways and website and are a lasting gift to the school.

David and his wife Yvette have two daughters who both attended AHA.  Erika 2009年和Caitlin 2013年. Both Erika and Caitlin played soccer at AHA and that is where David began taking photos. 戴夫Marshak, 女子足球教练, 共享, “David has been a big part of our program for over a decade now. He became part of our family when his daughter Kaitlyn played on the team, 大一就进了校队, and has continued to be involved through his photography. He has been with us through all the highs and lows, 赢得冠军, 简短地说一下, and his amazing photos have captured all the emotions attached to that experience. 我总是把一切都告诉别人, 我想让我们的女孩们说,她们在美国心脏协会经历中最美好的部分之一就是参加了我们的女子足球项目, and David has helped preserve that experience for so many players over so many years. 他是我们的家人.”

今天, David is capturing photos for many other sports, programs and events.  你会发现他穿梭于地铁的各个角落,从初级校队的比赛到州冠军赛,到处都有他的照片. 经历这一切, 大卫带着微笑进行他的摄影工作,并将其作为对学校的捐赠. 

Mike Hoover ' 80 -活动名人堂:

菠菜网lol正规平台授予迈克·胡佛80年的荣誉以表彰他在摔跤运动中的杰出成就, 足球, 田径, 和戏剧. Mike was captain of three sports his senior year, 作为防守端球员被评为全美最佳球员, and was casted as a lead actor in AHA's production of 国王与我. 在摔跤, 迈克是会议冠军, 区冠军, and qualified for the 1980 MN State Wrestling Tournament.

Mike honorably served in the United States Army prior to his professional career. He was Company Commander during the first Gulf War, 1990年被选入美国陆军采办队(AAC)的第一个干部课程, 并收到了.S. Army Toftoy Missile Maintenance of Excellence Award for C-16, also in 1990.

Mike and his wife Millie have four adult daughters, 娜塔莉Durkin, 米歇尔·麦克伦, 珍娜·哈斯, 和布里安娜·卡罗尔. He is now enjoying retirement after a career in industrial sales.

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